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  • Writer's pictureYuki

April Amazing!

Hello everyone :)

Wow what a big couple of weeks it’s been!

I hope everyone enjoyed a warm and beautiful Easter – I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days camping at Innes National Park on the Yorke Peninsula and to say the spectacular coastline took my breath away is truly an understatement. South Australia really does have some world class treasures!

I’m very happy to announce that our website now has a new addition. As of today you’ll be able to click on the “Videos” page where you’ll find a selection of exercises that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home :) There are plenty more to come so if you have any ideas or requests I’d love to hear from you!

It’s also a great honour to confirm that, thanks to a wonderful donation from one of our treasured clients, the Cumberland Park Strength For Life class now has a fantastic all in one exercise machine :) This opens up a whole range of activities and fun, and I am so very grateful for the kindness and the joy it will bring to the community centre.

There are so many fantastic things happening in our classes, and I’d like to share with you a truly heartwarming success story from one of our dearly loved members who is never without a smile. Jean has been lighting up our classes with her energy for more than a year now, and a powerful source of her motivation is the fact that ten years ago she was diagnosed with Osteoporosis.

Ever since the diagnosis she has worked hard on her health and fitness but often wasn’t obtaining the results she was hoping for. Over the last year she has altered her exercise programs and pushed even harder, and now she has proudly revealed that for the first time in ten years her bone density has increased significantly!

This is absolutely spectacular news and is testament to the passion, hard work and determination that Jean brings to her health and happiness journey. Thank you so much for sharing your success with us Jean – you are a source of inspiration to us all :)

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